Astronomy and astrophysics an international weekly journal
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Title: | Astronomy and astrophysics: an international weekly journal/ European Southern Observatory (ESO) |
Dates of publication: | 1.1969 - |
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Item Description: | Gesehen am 21.06.2024 Erscheint 36mal jährlich in 12 Bänden zu je 3 Ausgaben Fortsetzung der Druck-Ausgabe |
ISSN: | 1432-0746 |
Type of Resource: | Electronic Journal |
Language: | English |
Erscheint auch als: | Astronomy & astrophysics <Les Ulis>, Les Ulis : EDP Sciences, 1969 |
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1ES 0229+200: an extreme blazar with a very high minimum Lorentz factor (2011)
Published in Astronomy and astrophysics (2011)
In collection: Astronomy and astrophysicsE-Book Component Part -
3.9 day orbital modulation in the TeV gamma-ray flux and spectrum from the X-ray binary LS 5039 (2006)
Published in Astronomy and astrophysics (2006)
In collection: Astronomy and astrophysicsE-Book Component Part -
3D continuum radiative transfer in complex dust configurations around young stellar objects and active nuclei: II. 3-D structure of the dense molecular cloud core rho Oph D (2005)
Published in Astronomy and astrophysics (2005)
In collection: Astronomy and astrophysicsE-Book Component Part -
3D simulations of M star atmosphere velocities and their influence on molecular FeH lines (2009)
Published in Astronomy and astrophysics (2009)
In collection: Astronomy and astrophysicsE-Book Component Part -
3D spectral synthesis and rotational line broadening (2007)
Published in Astronomy and astrophysics (2007)
In collection: Astronomy and astrophysicsE-Book Component Part -
[O I] 6300 Å emission in Herbig Ae/Be systems: Signature of Keplerian rotation (2005)
Published in Astronomy and astrophysics (2005)
In collection: Astronomy and astrophysicsE-Book Component Part -
A "cool" PG 1159 star discovered by the Hamburg Schmidt Survey: NLTE analysis of HS 0704+6153 (1994)
Published in Astronomy and astrophysics (1994)
In collection: Astronomy and astrophysicsE-Book Component Part -
A 500 pc volume-limited sample of hot subluminous stars: I. Space density, scale height, and population properties (2024)
Published in Astronomy and astrophysics (2024)
In collection: Astronomy and astrophysicsE-Book Component Part -
A brown dwarf orbiting an M-dwarf: MOA 2009–BLG–411L (2012)
Published in Astronomy and astrophysics (2012)
In collection: Astronomy and astrophysicsE-Book Component Part -
A calibration of the mixing-length for solar-type stars based on hydrodynamical simulations: I. Methodical aspects and results for solar metallicity (1999)
Published in Astronomy and astrophysics (1999)
In collection: Astronomy and astrophysicsE-Book Component Part -
A catalog of edge-on disk galaxies: from galaxies with a bulge to superthin galaxies (2006)
Published in Astronomy and astrophysics (2006)
In collection: Astronomy and astrophysicsE-Book Component Part -
A close look at the Centaurus A group of galaxies: I. Metallicity distribution functions and population gradients in early-type dwarfs (2010)
Published in Astronomy and astrophysics (2010)
In collection: Astronomy and astrophysicsE-Book Component Part -
A close look at the Centaurus A group of galaxies: II. Intermediate-age populations in early-type dwarfs (2011)
Published in Astronomy and astrophysics (2011)
In collection: Astronomy and astrophysicsE-Book Component Part -
A close look at the Centaurus A group of galaxies: III. Recent star formation histories of late-type dwarfs around M83 (2011)
Published in Astronomy and astrophysics (2011)
In collection: Astronomy and astrophysicsE-Book Component Part -
A close look at the Centaurus A group of galaxies: IV. Recent star formation histories of late-type dwarfs around CenA (2012)
Published in Astronomy and astrophysics (2012)
In collection: Astronomy and astrophysicsE-Book Component Part -
A CO funnel in the Galactic centre: molecular counterpart of the northern Galactic chimney (2023)
Published in Astronomy and astrophysics (2023)
In collection: Astronomy and astrophysicsE-Book Component Part -
A coagulation-fragmentation model for the turbulent growth and destruction of preplanetesimals (2008)
Published in Astronomy and astrophysics (2008)
In collection: Astronomy and astrophysicsE-Book Component Part -
A comparison of algorithms for the construction of SZ cluster catalogues (2012)
Published in Astronomy and astrophysics (2012)
In collection: Astronomy and astrophysicsE-Book Component Part -
A comparison of numerical methods for the study of star cluster dynamics (1974)
Published in Astronomy and astrophysics (1974)
In collection: Astronomy and astrophysicsE-Book Component Part -
A comprehensive examination of the ε Eridani system: verification of a 4 micron narrow-band high-contrast imaging approach for planet searches (2008)
Published in Astronomy and astrophysics (2008)
In collection: Astronomy and astrophysicsE-Book Component Part