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Metamorphic map of Europe, 10 Sheet 10

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Bibliographic Details
Type of Resource: Sheet Cartographic Image
Cartographic data: W3°36'-E19°43'/N57°46'-N42°58'
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Language: English, French
Paris Unesco 1973
Series: Metamorphic map of Europe; 10
Source: Verbunddaten SWB
Subject: DK 552.4
DK 552.16
DK 912
DK 914.4
DK 914.93
DK 914.92
DK 914.30
DK 914.36
DK 914.94
DK 914.50
DK 914.37
DK 914.38
DK 914.39
DK 914.971
Call number: 21.1799 gr.2.