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Das Morugava-Kohlebecken Süd (Rio Grande do Sul - Brasilien): seine Auffindung u. Erkund. durch kombinierte geolog.-geophysikal. Unters.

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Bibliographic Details
Additional Titles: Early cretaceous Porphyry Copper mineralization on Cebu Island, Philippines, dated with K-Ar and Rb-Sr methods
Authors and Corporations: Kelter, Dietmar (Author), Eberle, Detlef (Author), Dennert, Ulrich (Author), Walther, Hansjust W. (Other)
Other Authors: Eberle, Detlef [Author] • Dennert, Ulrich [Author] • Walther, Hansjust W. 1918-2005 [Other]
Type of Resource: Book
Language: German
Stuttgart Schweizerbart 1981
Series: Geologisches Jahrbuch / D ; 48
Source: Verbunddaten SWB
Call number: 08.6598 8.