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German geological correlation program, C Stratabound sulfide ore deposits in Central Europe

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Bibliographic Details
Type of Resource: Book
Language: English
Stuttgart Schweizerbart 1985
Series: German geological correlation program; C
Geologisches Jahrbuch / D ; 70
Source: Verbunddaten SWB
Subject: DK 549.3
DK 553.068.2
DK 553.3/.4
DK 914
Call number: 08.7023 8.
Parent items:
German geological correlation program / hrsg. von d. Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften u. Rohstoffe u.d. Geolog. Landesämtern in d. Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Comp. by Kurt von Gehlen. With contributions by G. Christian Amstutz Geologisches Jahrbuch / D