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Mitteilungen des Freiberger Altertumsvereins, N.S., 4 = 75 1945 : Erinnerungen und Dokumente

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Bibliographic Details
Authors and Corporations: Freiberger Altertumsverein (Other)
Type of Resource: Book
Language: German
Freiberg i. Sa. Freiberger Altertumsverein 1995
Series: Mitteilungen des Freiberger Altertumsvereins; N.S., 4 = 75
Source: Verbunddaten SWB
Sächsische Bibliografie
Call number: XI 709,75
ISSN: 1611-5759

Main library

XI709,75A In Library Use Only  Place a Request Shelf location: Magazin ⋅ XI 709,75 Shelf location
XI709,75B In Library Use Only  Place a Request Shelf location: Wissenschaftlicher Altbestand ⋅ Handapparat - XI 709,75