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Data governance: enhancing innovation and protecting against its risks

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Bibliographic Details
Published in: Intereconomics pages:228-232; 54(2019), 4 vom: Juli, Seite 228-232; month:07; volume:54; number:4; year:2019
Authors and Corporations: Grafenstein, Maximilian von (Author), Wernick, Alina (Author), Olk, Christopher (Author)
Other Authors: Wernick, Alina [Author] • Olk, Christopher [Author]
Type of Resource: E-Book Component Part
Language: English
Series: Intereconomics, 54(2019), 4 vom: Juli, Seite 228-232
Source: Verbunddaten SWB
Lizenzfreie Online-Ressourcen
ISSN: 1613-964X
Summary: Big Data is expected to unleash data-driven innovation,which is supposed to better address and solve challengesin our society. As a so-called non-rival good, the sharingand re-using of data by one actor does not diminish its valuefor other actors and can create significant spillover effects. Data is still often stored in data silos. Releasing data fromsilos and sharing it may enhance social and economic welfare.
ISSN: 1613-964X
DOI: 10.1007/s10272-019-0829-9